Cat Health Check

You should be alert to any unusual behavior, such as lack of appetite, or lack of vitality, it may mean that the cat is not well.
If signs of illness persist you should seek a veterinarian, because the health state of the cat may degenerate into a more serious situation.

A healthy cat shows vitality, ease of movement and a bright hair. When the cat is relaxed examine him/her:


Look for fleas, scratches, or lack of hair.


Check if the cat has dark wax in the ears, if the cat has swelling or if the cat's head is "dropping" to one side.


Check if the cat urinates without difficulty, if the cat licks the genitals without stopping, or if there are signs of diarrhea.


It is important to check the eyes of your cat. Check if there is excessive secretions or inflammation in the eyelids.


Check if the cat's teeth have saliva, if the cat has bad breath, or if the gums are inflamed.


Look for secretions, if the cat does not breathe easily, if it's sneezing continuously.

Are also not good health signs if the cat has swelling in the body, if the cat presents an unusual posture, or if the cat limps. In these situations you must take a closer look at the affected areas, and may be required the intervention of a veterinarian.

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