Cat Kidney Disease

Cat Drinking Image Symptoms of kidney disease is a growing thirst, frequent urination, loss of weight, difficulty in breathing and ulcers in the mouth of the animal.

The kidney disease may be chronic or acute. For both of them a veterinarian should be consulted.

Older cats tend to suffer more chronic illness. As the cats age there is more chances for the kidneys to deteriorate. In this case, for the cat to survive a careful diet and appropriate medical treatment is needed.

Younger cats are more prone to suffer acute kidney disease. This is usually caused by an infection and is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting and dehydration.

Remember that if the cat shows an excessive thirst and urinates often, these are signs of kidney disease.

1 comment:

Natural Balance Dog Food said...

Cats eating cat food are susceptible for kidney disease. It is best to keep water beside their food to make sure your cat is hydrated.

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